What Goes into our Solar Homes?

Solar Photovoltaic Panels

These panels provide a clean energy source to heat and cool homes with zero dependency from fossil fuels.

Solar Battery

Stores the excess energy that comes from the solar panels. During the non sunlight times they will still have all the electrical power they need.

ICF Wall

These walls can withstand up to 250 mph wind gusts. These walls retain the heating and cooling properties for longer periods of time, giving the homeowner more comfort. These walls also make your home more soundproof. Therefore you hear less exterior noises, traffic, wind, etc. These walls have over 400% better insulation properties than conventional insulation methods.

Foam Rafters

Rafters covered with sprayed foam

Rafters covered with sprayed foam

Our first solar home has attic rafters with at least 12 inches of sprayed foam that completely cover the rafters. This makes a complete seal that eliminates air leakages. The second solar home will have the same foam rafters.


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